ON TALLENTIRE HILL (2017, 5'05mins, 16mm B&W, sound)
The hill sits above the village of Tallentire and is known locally as a historical site of hedge witch activity reached by a steep lovers lane. Populated by sheep and made miniature by a ring of giant wind turbines, there is an eerie synergy between the magic infused landscape and the electrical energy it is now generating. I made this 16mm film as an attempt to document these forces. An edited-in-camera sequence is overlaid with printed sections of hand-drawn animation by two 16mm projectors playing in sequence.
Developed and printed by hand in a pop-up darkroom during the Allerdale Film Farm residency on the Solway coastline.
Selected Exhibitions/ Screenings:
The Northern Charter, (Newcastle, November 2018).
Keswick Film Festival, (Keswick, March 2018).
The NewBridge Project, (Newcastle, November 2017).
Prospect Village Hall (Cumbria, September 2017).